As I get older, I find I am less tolerant of the cold. I love getting out to shoot snowy scenes in the woods, it is just too uncomfortable for me. I finally found a good day to shoot towards the end of winter. There was snow on the ground and it was sunny and not too cold. I went down to the Olentangy Trail without a clue as to what I was going to find. The week before, we had received a ton of rain and the river was really high. Shortly after the storms, we experienced a hard freeze. The cold lingered for a few days as the water level dropped in the river. What remained were some spectacular ice formations. As the water receded, it left these formations all over the banks of the river and on the tree limbs that hung down to the water level. All I needed was a telephoto lens and a tripod. I had neither. To get the shots I am presenting below, I had to crawl as close as I could to the water's edge and hope that I wouldn't fall in. I also had to do some cropping to get a reasonable image. I wasn't thrilled with the results but it was a great day to shoot and I loved the possibilities.
The subjects and closeups are so interesting...the colour and the B+W are both compelling. Thanx, Sandy
from Lisa