Nancy and I made a trip to Corolla, North Carolina this past November. I know the area well from the many vacations Pauline and I took to the Outer Banks. The pandemic was still going strong in the fall. It was also off-season in November, so there weren't many people on the beaches while we were there. I rarely take the opportunity to be out with my camera for hours at a time. Having a six day vacation with a chance to be shooting was exceptional. I took a lot of photographs.
Kitty Hawk Pier
Every trip I've taken to the Outer Banks includes a visit to Kitty Hawk Pier. As a photography student at Columbus State, I've taken two night photography classes. One of my fellow students turned in an assignment of a long-exposure from underneath a pier. It was spectacular. It motivated me to look for these kinds of images since. I've shot a number of piers at night and I've also taken them during the day, as the one below.

Sunrises and moonrises are viewed on the Atlantic Ocean side of the Outer Banks and sunsets and moonsets are seen from the bay side. Whalehead is one of my favorite places to shoot the sun and moonsets. There are also interesting grasses along the bay that offer lots of good opportunities for abstracts.

Duck is the community just south of Corolla. There are some great restaurants along the bay that offer some very good views for sunsets.

Currituck Banks Coastal Estuarine Reserve
The Estuary in north Corolla is a really interesting place and very different from the ecology and plant life in the area. There is an excellent boardwalk trail that goes all the way out to the bay and the estuary. The woods consists of pine and oak trees. The oak trees are different from the oaks we see in Ohio; much smaller and growing lower to the ground. It is a beautiful place.

My next posting will include my images of the birds and the moonrises on Corolla beach.
I really like these images. Thank you for sharing.